Christian Salazar

Hi there!

Welcome to my site I'd love to share with you my pasion about Math, Data and Programming. I hope you enjoy it!


As you already know my name is Christian Salazar. I’m passionate about numbers, and when I first started using programming to create data models I fell in love with programming as well.

I then decided to become both a software engineer and data scientist, combining all of the requisite skills in order to become interdisciplinary in both. I studied economics at Rosario University in Bogota. Colombia, but I quickly realized that what I really liked about economics were the statistics and econometrics aspects of the program, so I primarily focused on those topics. I started self-studying software development before being accepted into a full-stack development program at Microverse, an online school for software development.

Passion and love are what I feel when I'm working on software development and data science. I look forward to continuing to learn and work with driven and successful teams while expanding my fluency in both programming languages and math.

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Christian salazar Miño